2015 After Thanksgiving


The work week begins anew this year after Thanksgiving.

Just remember”There’s gonna be one speed: mine. If you can’t keep up, don’t step up. You’ll just die.” #Riddick #TheChroniclesofRiddick

Thanksgiving is a time of year where we get to spend time with Family and Friends giving thanks for what we have.  But, then, Black Friday arrives and Thanksgiving is thrown out the window by so many so they can go trample each other and get gifts (for themselves or others).  This “Thanksgiving” is then followed by over shopping on the following weekend and then Cyber Monday arrives.

Maybe next year we can all just give thanks and enjoy the weekend with those we are giving thanks?


Until then it’s back to work; making sure we can get to the next holiday in a few weeks.  Is everyone prepared for Christmas this year?  Perhaps next year we’ll all be a bit better about purchasing gifts throughout the year so we don’t have to rely upon inflated prices being “cut” for some cut throat shopping spree next time around.  Just a thought.  I too need to remember this next year!